23 Feb 2010

mighty mos in japan...

love this doco of mos def in tokyo. one of my most fav rappers meets my fav country = pure visual/aural gold. cheers EMBEDDED!!!
its 48 mins long, but well worth it for behind the scenes footage of one of them most intelligent and inspirational emcees today. his passion, story and 'articulateness' leave me wanting more.
'the ecstatic' is one of my top hip hop albums of the last few years too.

22 Feb 2010

amacoco at the fringe

went to the amococo luminarium to shoot it for an online magazine. got my own little personal tour and run-down from the architects of air crew that put this thing on. was hot as a sauna in there, but well worth the sweat.

not condoning it but if you take acid, go to this place. you will definitely be experienced.

3 days of shooting!

got the go-ahead to shoot the FUSE festival. should be a corker! they're having 2 nights of shows and i get to shoot them both plus the day-time panel and industry discussions!

this event looks like a big deal, especially for the musos trying to break into the big time, so its a great opportunity for me to do my thing and hopefully in the process get some sweet shots and also meet some industry heads.

mc delts is playing on the first night and i haven't seen him in donkey's, so that should be lovely.

looking forward to the whole event!

20 Feb 2010

fringe 2010

well that was a full-on, crazy shooting escapade! never shot a parade before, so that was good experience. got some ok of the parade and a few nice ones at the concert afterwards. pretty dirty and dusty down at adelaide's east end.

click the link to see this image on my photo blog:

18 Feb 2010

cover shot...

head over to fivethousand.com.au and you can see this cover shot of mine in all its great internet glory!!!

15 Feb 2010



got a few things in the pipe-line over the next few weeks photographically wise.
got a shoot with mr S for a potential magazine cover. then its taking some flicks for the fuse festival (hopefully!) then its shooting the fredrock exhibition at the 5000 gallery. next is taking some shots at the 'kicking the habit' sneaker swap-meet. after that, the format festival has its opening night, where i'll be armed with my canon. following that, the streetdreams festival begins, where i will also be helping out with some shots!
not to mention i'm helping shoot the fringe opening parade.
during this time, i'll be house/cat sitting for brother J while he's in qld. thats good, cos then i won't have far to travel.
so yeah, hopefully there gigs will lead to future developments and connections and ca$h...

i was just thinking...

find it hard to believe there are actually people who get in the shower first and THEN turn on the water...


13 Feb 2010

photo blog update

have just put a whole bunch of new photos up on my photo blog.
feel free to waste you saturday night by marveling at my work!
i dare you. in fact, i double dare you!!

it's like an easter egg hunt, but with ticket machines and the adelaide east end!

if you're in the city how about playing fun game with yourself, your date, or random pedestrians; see how many of these funky ticket vending machines you can find around adelaide's east end. fun!
these were created by matt of befriendly and treehouse fame and im pretty sure are connected with the big arts festival thingy thats just around the corner.

11 Feb 2010


so i'm in the midst of trying to get myself up and running as a photgrapher here in adelaide. so far, it's been an interesting and challenging ride.
i've never done anything like this before, so its all new and tasty! its a hard thing for me to do- put myself 'out there' and try to 'sell myself'. luckily red high-heels are not required.
i guess i can say i've had a little bit of 'success'. but its hard to measure as i've never done this before and haven't known anyone close to me who has done this either.
its been about 3 months since i've been home and i'm pretty happy with the contacts i've made and the progression. but one thing i've learnt is that you can't rest on your laurels and i have to be even more pushy and demanding. i know i can do it- i just have to make it happen.
so endeth the message for today.


sorry guys- i know you are all lining up to comment on this here fancy blog. unbeknownst to me, i had the commenting thang restricted. now you are all free to comment your lil asses off!
it'll help if you leave your name when you do decide to comment! ;)
let the commenting commence!


missing tokyo a tad since my girl has gone. the street shooting, ramen, clean winter nights, trains, fashionable folk, the calm in the city, the bustle, the coolness.

cool websites im feeling on the regular...

the tree house

10 Feb 2010


there was going to be a portrait competition here in adelaide for the fringe so obviously i got my main man tom to pose and expose. unfortunately, the competition was cancelled for some reasons. bummer.
hopefully tom won't mind me showing the image i wanted to use!

music im feeling...

sarah blasko's 'as day follow's night'.
the kings of leon's 'only by the night'. 'revelry' is pure awesomeness.
bk-one's 'radio do canibal' some great collabs here.
blakroc. nuff said!!!
the new 'felt' album ain't too bad. aesop's production is surprisingly nice.
grizzly bear's 'veckatimest' another album i slept on for a bit, but diggin it now.
go have a look at some of that work peoples! if ya dont' already know, now you know!

さちゃん だいすき!!

had the best time with sachi over the past week and a bit. don't think i've had so much fun spanning over a week ever in my life. goes to show how dope that girl is!
did HEAPS together. victor, markets, coffee, brighton, cleland, family, food, beach, bbqs. the list goes on!
excited about our future! yeah!