28 Mar 2010

couldn't have said it better...

"i'm never content with what I do. I live in a sort of permanent dissatisfaction. I think that's the secret to doing things well."

karl lagerfeld.


interesting quote...

an unknown sociologist uses the term 'double absence' (or dual absence) to describe feelings of migrants who are living in a foreign country; their host country is not their country- and their native country is not really their country no more…

27 Mar 2010

photographers im feeling recently...

jan sochor has some brilliant documentary work. exactly what i want to be doing:

anton kusters is doing as essay on the japanese yakuza has has got some incredible access into a very closed community:

elizabeth weinberg takes some cool shots:

local adelaide photog matt nettheim did the stills photography for where the wild things are:

funny times...

whenever i'm in the mood for something humorous, saucy, handsome, or even if i just want to look at a brilliant header photo, i pop on over to SAUCEWHORE.COM for a quick hit.

apparently 'blowdude magazine' had this to say about the author, tom:

""The sassiness of Perez Hilton, but like a more man-sassy..."

that pretty much says it all.

18 Mar 2010

jonathan, jordan, sneakerfreaker.

today on the SNEAKERFREAKER website myself and Michael Jordan share the front page.

yeah. just as it should be.

12 Mar 2010


new self portrait series i'm working on. very initial stages at the moment and the style/process/delivery may possibly change from now until completion. happy with how its looks though so far.

5 Mar 2010


just had a little peak at what mr stuckey has been up too with the photos from the shoot last week.


blown. away.

lookin' maaaad tight if i do say so myself!

once all is done with what has to be done i'll post up a final edit, but that won't be for a while.

witness the fitness.


was listening Jeru on the 721 yesterday heading down south. mid nineties flashback right there. i even had a baseball cap on.

1 Mar 2010

the last few days; a pictorial history.

shoot with 'the man' mr stuckey for a little project of his:

FUSE festival opening night concert @ rymill park:

FUSE festival band showcase. these guys are called 'the touch' and they were awesome:

fredrock exhibition @ 5000 gallery:

bboys @ kickin' the habit sneaker market: